Tuesday, January 23, 2007


We're doing this one in the Celtic's green for you Boston!!!

My friend Boston is willingly being nice enough to give me a look behind the scenes with him after each episode so let's enter the mansion.....

Wow you really pulled ahead last night, nice lapdance. What did you think of Sister Patterson's saying she was ready to call you "son in law"

It was pretty funny that Sister Patterson liked me so much. I mean I knew I was one of her favorites, but I didn't realize she was already thinking about marriage!

Minus the editing what did Omarosa have to say to you about your presentation? What were you thinking when that crazy biatch turned around in the chair?

Honestly she didn't really have much to say to me, and I didn't know who she was at first cause I didn't watch the apprentice. one of the other guys filled me in

WTF was the deal with Pootie? Was he that crazy all the time?

I was so glad when Pootie left. We didn't know he was that crazy, but he was just an ass to everyone even before that. He loved doing the dishes (yes, we had to do the dishes), and if I or another guy tried to help him, he'd be like "get the fuck out of my kitchen." (wtf)

You and the other were cracking up when NY read T-WEED's credit report, what was going through your mind?

Honestly, I was just thinking how this is going to make great TV.

Did you believe he was worth 100 million?

No of course not. but all the other guys in the house believed him. and I was the only guy who thought he was going home

Oh shit Lee I almost forgot..What about Moms whispering .."you gave my daughter a lapdance...I'm gonna kill you..." Did you feel like that was your fall from grace.

No I knew it was just for TV, and she'd like me again in the next episode(hmmm some insight to next episode)

Last set of questions and I'll let you get back to your studliness.I know I've asked this question before but please indulge me....who from the show if anybody do you still keep in touch with? Did you check out Trendz song 4 Ny?Finally, Hilliary in 08? or Obama in 08?

Tango, Onix, Heat, a little bit with Rico and Twelve Pack. Heat lives a mile away from me now, so we hang out sometimes And I'm not really in to Rap music, so even though I'm sure Trendz is talented and all, I really don't care to listen to the song. And Obama is my man is 08 cause he's got the tall skinny thing going, like I do, and he's very charismatic, which I wish I was...

Get the fuck outta here Boston you are Mr. Charismatic..You've got that..that..."BOSTON CHARM"