Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Tyrese: the New Ike Turner?

Ok So I am sure all of you are familiar with the reports that Tyrese hit his pregnant girlfriend right?.... no? ok well here is the scoop Supposedly TYRESE PUNCHED his pregnant girlfriend for whatever reason and then he fled the scene before cops arrived, Well I have been chatting with some little birds who say that may not be true and before I could post it here I'll be damned it hit the gossip Circuit so I will repost the Story:

*According to TMZ.com, the Tyrese incident with his girlfriend last week was just a misunderstanding of sorts.
The lawyer who represents the girlfriend of the actor/singer and now rapper, has issued a statement responding to what allegedly happened last Thursday night:
"Reports that Tyrese punched my client- his girlfriend- in the arm, thigh or anywhere else are false. It is true, Mr. Gibson and his girlfriend had been arguing. She became very emotional and distressed during the argument and called 911 in an attempt to get a mediator. Mr. Gibson, frustrated, left the home. My client, Mr. Gibson's girlfriend, who is 11 weeks pregnant, then became more upset and began throwing up. When the paramedics arrived, concerned about the baby, they took her to the hospital. Fortunately, she was fine. Once at the hospital, she was asked by a nurse whether she had been assaulted. She said no. She was then asked what her pain level was on a scale of zero to ten. She said zero. She then discharged herself.
Mr. Gibson and his girlfriend are very much still in love, together and excited about their expectant child. She is quite saddened that this event was so distorted."
TMZ goes on to say that "police sources" say they are "interested" in speaking to Tyrese about the incident, but the bottom line is that NO charges have been filed.

Ok girl we will believe you if you say he didn't hit you BUT if you just so happen to be attacked by a "door" or "cabinet" blink or something to let us know what is really going on...